Friday, July 1, 2011


I remember the summer before my first year here at the College of Wooster (CoW).  I had so many questions running through my mind: Who is my roommate? Where am I living? What will my new friends be like? Is there a mall near by? (The sad answer to the latter question is no, not within 30 minutes) In an effort to preview my college experience as much as possible, I quickly turned to facebook, friending people in the "Class of 2013" group that seemed to have similar interests that I did.  I must have stalked almost every one of my fellow freshman, or at least the ones that looked interesting.

My intention for this blog is to better prepare you all and answer your BURNING QUESTIONS.  Okay, so maybe there isn't a fire burning in your heart to know what the dorm your in is like, because you'll find out soon enough, but it would be helpful to know about the Wooster area, right?

That being said, if there is anything you would like to see on this blog, please comment and let me know! You can also email me at :)  Happy reading and have a great summer!

And now for my very lovely paintbrush rendition of the arch!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm Caroline, a rising Wooster freshie. I'm taking a German 101 class, and since I saw that you were majoring in German you might be able to help me out. I was checking the list for textbooks for Ger101, and there's one that's like 200 bucks for a package deal. It's called Kontakte, and involves some sort of internet access, I gather. Do you know of anyway to find the book and the internet access code cheaper? 200 just seems like a lot. My email is . Thank you so much! Your blog is wonderful!
